Building on the framework code of my COVID-19 Autodoc, I wrote a script to transform the Health Canada Covid-19 data into Flourish readable data to produce some bar chart animations. Specifically for Active Number of Cases and Rate of Active Cases in Canadian provinces & territories:
import pandas as pd
import requests, io
url = ''
def grab_df(csvurl):
r = requests.get(csvurl)
csv = r.content
return pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(csv.decode('utf-8')))
def heatmapped(df, metric, remove_from):
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
df = df.groupby(['prname','date'])[[metric]].sum().reset_index().pivot("prname", "date", metric).fillna(0)
if remove_from:
return df.drop(labels=remove_from, axis=0)
return df
df = grab_df(url)
remove_from = ['Canada','Repatriated travellers']
hm_df = heatmapped(df, 'rateactive', remove_from)